We really really really really want to change the background, and we even found a lovely one, but it won't let us! So, for the meantime, just stay green!
We ask this question to everyone who thinks there helping. When you just planted your own garden, that was a really great idea! You probably congratulate yourself with relaxing... Which *usually* means you watch T.V or go on your computer. So really, you haven't been helping all that much. Create a week every month where you help the environment and don't use electricity. You can do it! If you do this amazing deal then we will make a post about how great you are!
Recently, landscapers came to our tree and hard rain came to our town so our tree house knocked down. Please leave a comment about how we should improve/rebuild our tree house. 
--Tree Huggers
This is the page where you can comment and ask questions. Go ahead. You KNOW you want to! We would also love to have your opinion in which your stating which page you like the best! After a few days you might just see the changes to that page you like the most! Have any ideas? Just state it on the comments! Thanks!