Fun Fact #1

Did you know that if you have a styrofoam cup filled with water or any other liquid everyday for a year you will have a pound of led in your mouth? So it is highly recommended to drink out of a eco-friendly bottle! Go on to see some ways to stay eco-friendly! You can put in how to make your bathroom eco-friendly in the search engine!

Fun Fact #2

Some ways to have an eco-friendly bathroom is to have a plant in your bathroom which is taking away the bad germs and other bad things! Also switching your light bulb to a recyclable one... the recyclable ones actually last longer!

Fun Fact #3

Did you know that worms have 5 hearts! Thats just so many for a little guy! Worms are also both male and female.

Fun Fact #4

Using CFL's or Compact Florecent Lightbulbs, you can save SO MUCH ENERGY! Just by screwing one CFL to replace a normal lightbulb can have a huge impact on the enviroment.

Fun Fact #5

In the average lifetime, a person will walk the equivalent of 5 times around the equator! That sounds like a lot! Doesn't it?

Fun Fact #6

Every day more money is printed for Monopoly than the US Treasury. Monopoly is an awesome game though! But try not to get too many because it is wasting paper,

Fun Fact #7

Coca-Cola was originally green. It was called Coca Cola Classic. If you can research why the coca cola changed from green to red, just comment on one of our links and if you get it right then we will make a blog post on YOU! Go green!

Fun Fact #8

Did you know if you live in NYC for one year it is the equivalent to smoking one cigarette? Encourage people not to smoke! It is horrible for the environment. AIR POLLUTION AND LITTERING!!!! Plus it generates second hand smoke for others. 

Fun Fact #9

A lightning flash contains about 1 billion volts of electricity! It can be five times as hot as the surface of the sun! Thank you